7 Things

I. New little feet that used to kick me in the ribs all night long now pushing against me in the middle of the night as we eat and rock and sing.

II. A live-in barista that makes coffee every morning and accepts a kiss as a tip (I didn’t marry him for his coffee skills, but they don’t hurt).

III. Bright orange flowers blooming despite scorching heat and one animal’s attempts to dig them up.

IV. “We’re bringing you dinner tonight” texts and front porch drop offs.

V. Cards and packages arriving in every color Happy Birthday! and Congratulations on your New Baby! So much to celebrate in 31 days.

VI. Nights of storms that bring a much-welcomed relief to the long days of heavy heat.

VII. A change of pace, made to rest. Sitting on the couch feeling a little chest rising and falling against my own. Embracing the beauty and the hard that go hand in hand of motherhood.

Let July be July.....And you can still find peace and grow in the wild of changing things
— Morgan Harper Nichols

Cheering you on from the sidelines,



Create Anyways


Raising Mermaids