Pop the Champagne Anyways

              2022 has been a rough year in a series of rough years for a lot of people. Sickness and death and hardships and fights over the smallest things and unwanted job changes, the list feels like it goes on and on. Over the past couple years, it feels like we’ve seen it all.

              Maybe this was the year everything felt right for you. The year you found peace in the middle of all the chaos and learned to stop and breathe. Pop the champagne and celebrate. Peace can be hard to find.

              Maybe this was the hardest year of your life. Maybe you got hit with trial after trial and each one left you wondering how you would keep going. Maybe it felt like you didn’t “end the year strong”, but more like you crawled through the end of this year, dragging yourself across the finish line by your fingertips. Pop the champagne anyways.

Celebrate the fact that you’ve made it through all those hard things that a year ago, you wouldn’t have imagined that you could. If you can’t see any big victories from this past year, toast to the small ones, to each step that got you through this year to the edge of a brand new one.

Maybe you didn’t meet every high goal that you set yourself on January 1st, but you kept trying and kept finding yourself. Pop the champagne anyways. Success is not linear, and you don’t have to have it all together to be proud of how far you’ve come in a year.

This year has been hard and scary and wonderful and scary, but here we are, on the brink of a new one. So, celebrate the laughter, the tears, the changes, the resilience, the people that got us here. Pop the champagne to the end of a chapter and the beginning of a new one.

Cheering you on from the sidelines,



The Truth about January 17th


Christmas Hangover